Sorry for: 1. Hacking and reading dad’s email account. 2. Lying 3. Stealing stuff from my sister and other people. 4. Being on the computer when I’m not supposed to. 5. Censoring my dads email. 6. Being mean/hurtful. 7. Reading my sisters texts. 8. Getting rid of those two pets. 9. Cheating on school tests. 10. Being mean to my cat and dog. 11. Being mean to mom, sister, dad and brother. Please forgive me! Please. I’m trying to fix my life. please help me.
hmm as long as you really want to change , of course you can.. its time to get rid of the bad things.. come’one, God gives chances for those who are willing:-) you can do it!! GOD BE WITH YOU.. —–sweet16 here !
What else? You need to fox a hell lot of things, a HELL lot of things.
You have done all those things which you are not supposed to do