
I’M Secretly Trying To Get Myself Back To Health

I'm secretly trying to get myself back to health.

I have depression, two children, and a sweet husband.

I also have +15kg/35lbs to lose to get back into a place where I am happy with my body.

Sweet as he is, my husband tends to go overboard on life changes.

I want to eat healthier, so I start making instant breakfast, next thing I know I'm budgeting for a Meal Replacement service ordered a MONTH at a time.

I want to work out, he orders the Charles Atlas program and we wake up at 5am to start out.

The problem is that with Charles Atlas, he goes overboard and pushes himself on day 1, and then we spend the next month with him swearing he'll try it again, or on the next break, or…

I got tired of waiting, so I secretly wrote down the simple daily routine, and three days a week (I'm trying to start slow), I go down and work out from that.

I'm also trying to do a 3k/30min step challenge on Tuesday and Thursday.

It's not that I don't want him to get healthy, I do, but I also know that he will do it one day, or one week, and then never again.

I want to brag that I've worked out on social media, but I don't want him to find out and try to horn in.

The only place I can say anything is in secret corners of the regular internet.

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