
How I Skipp work in Office.

Hello friends,
I am confessing here.. in my office i always skip my work. I give hundered of excuses.

Now I have found a new one. I go to Washroom again and again, I spend my time their. I have told my manager I have kidney problem and have to rush to washroom again and again (To pee)

But this is not true. I am just escaping from my work.


What do you think?

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  1. hey dude dats gud reason…to skip work at office …but do you know, it is also a good reason for company to ask you to resign…as per the Labour law Act 1956. there is a clause where it states IF an employee is not medically fit for the job and because of employee, if company suffers any loss then company can give his employee medical compensation and ask him to leave the company………nowyou can think

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Leaving my home.. wana die.