
Die in ur filthy wealth

Dear mother,
Society thinks matricide is bad. So I’d rather insult you behind ur back (polite civilised way).
Yes, u were wronged! Poor little poor girl!
U were forced to go out with my father because of his rich wallet (poor suffering gold digger).
He was so stupid (poor little intelligent gold digger).
He hit u (poor little Robin Givens)
U had his baby (poor little innocent).
I looked like him (oh shit!)
U couldn’t stand him (poor little gold digger).
U would not let him touch u anymore (even through his child- poor selfish bitch)
U were stuck with his mini me (poor little prostitute)

U mothered another gold digger child (poor little mistress).
Some other man fell prey to ur evil charm.
U may have loved that other man (poor little lover)
U once favoured his child (ur son, my step brother)- poor little …
Then his father lost his money (poor little sandcastle)

And it was back to the beginning (poor little used gold digger)
U would have to learn to build meaningful connections (poor little user)
But u had 2 much baggage (2 out of wedlock babies + a lifetime of using men)

U started complaining about men selfishness (poor little Dalai lama)
No one could stand you. Poor little bitch.
U feared u were a bad mother (poor little “I’m a good girl”)

U allowed me to go live with my father-U had a new man. (Sigh )
Turns out he was a gigolo – ur own kind (poor little irony)
He couldn’t stand my dad -interesting little family knots
U told my step brother he was his dad -hello?!!!
Eventually, he left you – they always do.
U had ur firm but no man- poor little powerful woman.
U blamed men (products of a retarded society) for fearing ur brains -always someone else fault

My father just had a new wife (Thank u universe! Thank u Karma! Poor little stupid 12 something who can’t stand 4 herself)
He couldn’t give me his undivided attention. I have a step sister his side (the more it changes, the more it is the same thing…)
The step mo

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