
I Hate Living In This World

I hate living in this world.

I never felt anything but hatred, I hated everyone in my life and wanted to be alone.

How will I ever describe my feelings when people just laugh it off in my face?

That's at least one of the reasons I fake how I feel, and never feel any sort of remorse for anyone, it just pisses me off sometimes.

When I try to care for someone it always ends up with them faking some sort of thing that's serious, or thinking it was a joke, where all the care and courage I put up was just for their stupid laughter.

I don't plan on doing anything in my life anyway. I don't have love, dreams, purpose, anything.

It's so unknown to me.

And it's weird because I enjoy seeing people suffer, just to remind them and let them see what I somehow go through, just let all of them die.

Maybe one day I'll die. Get murdered, kill myself, accidents, so many possibilities to wait.

Maybe it was just me who created the hatred in me, but what can I do, damage has been done.

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