
Some Black Guys Make Me Sick To My Stomach

I am a young black girl (19 yrs) and everyone assumes that I like black guys, but I DON’T. I honestly can’t stand the whole hip-hop, saggy pants, blunts hanging out of their mouths, Ebonics speaking, no future, gangsta, ghetto black men. Sometimes when i even look at them it makes me sick to my stomach! Now don’t get me wrong, not every black guy is like that, and i do find some black men very cute or good-looking, but i can’t get pass the “ghetto” part. Even if i think a black guy is hot i won’t date him, or give him any kind of a chance. I try not to be like this, even when a black guy isn’t ghetto i can’t help but to still turn him down.

What do you think?

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  1. i’m a married white guy and a racist seeking redemption. To be on my knees worshipping a beautiful black cock is self-degradation…but i can’t stop. The worse he treats me, humiliates me, degrades me the more i enjoy his cock in my mouth and swallowing his cum the better i feel. i beg for a black cock sucking gangbang!

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I HATE it when people snap thier fingers

You are an asshole