
Since the pandemic when they closed my high school

Since the pandemic when they closed my high school I’m stuck at home 5 or 6 days a week by myself. I live with my mom and she is an X-ray technician at the hospital and sometimes works 6 days. Unless I walk down to the store I am always stuck at home.

I am on the computer with school a couple of hours on weekdays but the rest of the time I am naked all the time and masturbate more than I ever did before. I live in a row house and in back is a wide driveway and all the houses have a driveway for their house. Most have a garage but my house has the garage torn out to make the rec room bigger.

Its more than a month ago when I saw Lydia outside and she was peeking in my back windows. She lives 5 houses down from my house and her and her sister both ride their bikes and scooters out there. I don’t know her sisters’ name and think she is 11 or 12 and Lydia is 13 or 14. Ever since Lydia saw me naked the first time they come over to the back of my driveway at least a couple times a week and look into my rec room.

I didn’t jerk off right away and only let them see me naked most of the time. It might have been 3 weeks ago the first time I masturbated while they were in the driveway watching me. Now I wait for them to show up and I can’t remember the last time I had anything on while my mom is at work. I spend the whole day down in the rec room and hope they are outback.

They must like watching me because they come all the way down my driveway to look inside. As soon as I know they can see me I get a hard-on all the time. I go close to the window and most of the time jerk off when I lay back on the recliner which is next to the left window. I can see them but always pretend I can’t when they come next to the windows. I just act like I don’t know they are there.

When I am in the recliner naked they are only a couple of feet away and I let them see everything. I spread my legs wide open and still don’t know why it don’t embarrass me, which it should. I jerk off real slow because the first couple of times I came to fast. Now I play with myself for a long time before I have to cum. After I cum I still lay there for a while and they keep looking in at me watching my dick get soft. Even then I don’t get embarrassed when my dick gets little. I just like them looking at me naked.

Confession by – Brian

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  1. Brian, when I was a teenager about 17, this bunch of neighborhood girls would come by and I did the same thing. They knew I was stroking too, they came in my house when my. They all badger me to put on porno and then I’m kind of squeezing it and then they all wanted to see me jack off! parents were out and went out to my den and they knew I had porno vhs tapes

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Time to leave them out of my life.

I just wanted to hear her moan