
Sex With Professor

I have been working with this prof for over a year now. At first, I noticed that he’s a very flirty guy, and though I know he’s like that with a lot of people, there are times when I swear he’s being serious with me. No, he’s not at all close to my age, in fact, he’s almost twice my age. Nonetheless, we really connected and our working relationship was nothing but the best.

As time went on, it was apparent to me that we were both feeling the same thing because he talked to me about it (that, and his boner was rubbing up against my leg when we embraced). We decided that it wasn’t right for us to consummate this relationship since he’s married with kids and has a position at an university. But then, I was at his office one day for a meeting and as we parted, we had a long embrace and this time he groped my ass, and my breasts. I was so turned on, and all I wanted to do was to suck him off. Then I shy away.

This flirtation went on for about a month and a half, but we didn’t fuck until he returned from a conference and I met him again. This time he came at me kissed me on the cheek and then on the lips. He reached down to grab my ass, and started feeling my clit, which quickly proceeded to me being finger blasted on his chair in his office. I had such a good time. His zealous fingers felt so good within me, and he’d kiss me gently. I sucked him off, and he came within the first minute. I guess the preamble was too much for him.

After that, we’ve had racy email correspondence and we’ve been lovers ever since. It’s been almost 2 months now since we first started having sex and we still have a great working relationship. I know that we have love for each other, and that we have great sex together.

We don’t live in the same area anymore, and when I was leaving, I told him that I’m going to miss how he smells, and he told me that he’s going to miss me cumming on his chair. He knows I like dirty comments like that. And the truth is, I miss him cumming in my mouth.

Confessed by: Lovie Dovie
Gender: Female
From Country: Canada

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annoying bastards