
I like to pee my pants

Recently I developed a panty peeling fetish. I got off on looking at pictures & videos of women peeing their pants. Then I decided to try it myself. I wet my panties at home & in the bathroom at work. The warm feeling & the naughtiness of it really turned me on. Then I tried it in my jeans at home-not as fun. I’m buying a pair of yoga pants. If it warms up today I’m going to pee in them on the steps at a park near me. I’m going to buy depends & try it in them too. I haven’t talked to my husband about it yet but I will have to because he’s noticed an increase in my libido. Hope it doesn’t turn him off or make him hate me.

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  1. Congrats, you discovered a hot turn-on. If I were your husband I’d be happy… But be careful: A cup of pee is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some like to hold it on purpose until it just comes. Would you want to try this out? – Keep up the good work. It will turn you on and is so harmless at the same time, still a taboo of course. A nice and naughty pleasure, enjoy!

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