
forgot to mention

In the confession I was made to make by the girl that caught me sucking my gay neighbors cock she has informed me I forgot to mention that my cock I would brag at the bar in Beverly .Ma was 8 inches is really only 3 inches and I have tiny little ,as she says baby balls that couldnt satisfy a women anyway ,if I was straight ,which as she made me confess I am not ,and that I now wear panties she picks out for me everyday and wants anyone in Beverly Ma that sees me to ask right in front of everyone what color panties am I wearing today and ask me if its true that I am really a cocksucking queer ,which I will have to answer truthfully or she will show everyone at the club in Beverly where I bartended in the picture she snapped of me on my knees in my pink lace panties and red lace garter belt with David Feminos cock in my mouth I will confess where ever it is ,that I am wearing panties and what color they are and that I am a cocksucking panty wearing tiny 3 inch sissy queer cocksucker ,and if I dont do exactly that then she will out me completely with pictures as proof that I am a little sissy queer , all over beverly posting pictures of me in every bar men and womens rest rooms showing me sucking Davids cock and wearing womens panties and garterbelt ,So I will answer your question ,and admit the truth to you and anyone your with, Bruce Burke

What do you think?


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  1. Embrace who you are. Tell her to post the pictures and share them. My pictures of me sucking cock have been shared on the internet and posted at local restrooms for years. The only result has been that I have got to suck a lot more cocks. I have a cap with “Cocksucker” across the front I proudly wear. I live in a very small town, and now everyone knows I service cocks.

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Humiliated Sissy Baby

stealing panties