
I am Widow at the age of 23

Because sex I can do: at sex I’m a pro. Whether right or wrong, I was having sex just three months after he died. It might not have been good sex, but it was safe sex.
I was detached: void of emotion, void of a history and completely anonymous. To whichever man shared my bed that evening I was nothing more than a female anatomy. And that was just fine with me. Because at 23 years old, with one dead husband under my belt and a widow’s shroud around my shoulders, anonymous was a tonic: anonymous was just perfect.

This is a Confession of a scarlet widow:

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  1. You kiddin me….27 guys in 10 months…you lucky b***h 🙂
    I don’t believe it, but, if it’s true…awesome.
    Sincere advice: you have a life in front of you…don’t waste it. Meet guys, find the right one and start your life all over again.
    Best of luck

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