
Had seen roomate naked

I am 24 year old lady working in fashion industry. I am staying in a flat shared with a Guy. The place I live in is quite open minded. Thats why in my society men and women can share a flat but i m not that much open minded and always kept a distance with my roomie. But few days ago accidently i entered into his room as the room was not properly locked for some urgent issue and i saw him standing naked perhaps musterbrating. His physic is awesome which i saw then. Since then i do feel awkward speaking with him and he too. But i want to be normal with him.. having a desire of watching him like that again..
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  1. Thats actually… is funny Nice to know that your “society” is so open minded that it allows you both to stay together.

    But how much are you free with each other? If you are staying together.. and you say that you just saw him naked and it is making you awkward i dont belive you. You must be having sex with him.

    Comon tell the truth.

  2. miss oh come one i am sure you had sex with him almost every night and day by now….if not grab him and full fill all your desires everyday…my gosh i am getting excited even thinking of it. I f i were you i have enjoyed sex almost everyday with this guy, using different positions and perhaps group orgies and anal tooo

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