My grandmother is at the door. She is walking into the house…. towards the kitchen.
We scramble. No place to hide.
Grandma sees us.
He faces me and I him. He hides me from view.
Grandma says “Sorry to disturb you.” and “When it is more convenient for you…” and continuted to have a full 10 minute conversation about buying a birthday present for my mother.
She leaves. I buy the present. Mom is happy.
Grandma never told anyone about the situation in the kitchen.
Nice website, I can make confession without releaving my email, photo. I hope my email ID is not seen by anyone, i have entered my real email here.
Was u wearning anything or not? Hi carra…
Your grandma kept on talking with you for yen mins?
You was wearing any clothes or not or you was naked at that time?