I AM NOT ME ANYMORE, i used to be a shy quiet young woman who just got on with everyone and kept quiet to keep the peace with everyone and suffered in silence and made sacrifice after sacrifice for everyone around me. I rarely had fights or troubled neighbors or failures at university or college. I was a people pleasing nobody. i still am a people pleaser nobody but just more vocal now.
when i was a teen i wanted a boyfriend and i was gay teased at school and bashed … but i just focused on the future and my education and making something of my life, because i figured a man would come to me if i was working or university in a class or social groups… but i was wrong… no cute young quality man gave his heart and soul and body to me…
and being raped by someone i had no physical attraction to was the worst part.
people have said to me that something is holding me back… either in this house or around me… i have wondered if its not a ghost or demon. this may sound strange but ghost do stop love affairs and block peoples channeling into another life if you have ever been the victim you know. ghost can kill babies and people. they can snuff them out like a vampire can drain them … i should write a story about me… and find out what is the lonely figure i often see like in the movie the woman in black…. i often feel and heart a ghost of someone …
— vampires can make people sick from their grave and they dig bodys and find blood in them i seen it in a doco on youtube i think this is happening to me… some spirit of the dead is feeding off my heart and love desires from the grave helping its young or offspring to cheat me out of love everywhere i go since i was young child… maybe its the pedo or a king or a church vampire who must be beheaded and a stake through his heart so i can live and be loved by a young man… i mean that is what dracular is about.