Recent Confessions

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    I Fear That I Bore My Wife

    I fear that I bore my wife. I think I’m a boring person and there’s nothing interesting about me anymore. I used to be more exciting, funnier, and fun to be around, but then I got older, sicker, and less of a joy. I’m in deep emotional pain thanks to the way I grew up […] More

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    Fear of Letting Go

    I don’t know how I got here. It all happened so fast, and now it is like a roller coaster I can’t get off but desperately need to. I have been having an affair with a younger co-worker for almost two years now. I am married to a hard-working man and have two beautiful children, […] More

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    Falling to Pieces

    My husband drinks and doesn’t take responsibility for any of his shortcomings. The kids and I have dealt with his drinking form years. Just when we think it improves, he gets worse and ruins a planned event, great weekend, or a fun moment. He threaten to take our son to hide out in the country […] More