
The Worst Sinner There Is…

I have been a Christian 20 years,married for 14. I have 2 wonderful boys. about 8 years ago, I cheated on my wife with prostitutes. I felt bad but had no fear of God. It went on to become 2 affairs with different girls I met online. Worst was, one of them got pregnant & we decided to abort the baby! I had committed murder on top of adultery!

Over the next few years, I continually fall into visiting prostitutes a few times a year. I will stop for a while, then fall back hard again!

This year, I went to a Sexoholics Anonymous meeting & it really spurred me to change. I have since stopped all lustful activities, including porn & masturbation & I have been clean for months. I feel good about my repentance.

What I am lacking is confession…I am a real coward but I love my wife & kids…I have changed since 2004 to be a better husband, to connect with my wife & we have a healthy sex life…I am a glutton when it comes to my sexual urge..

Lord, please forgive me… I want to go to heaven when I die… don’t cast me to hell…please…

Confessed by: weakANDbleak
Gender: Male
Country: Singapore

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  1. “God ” is all forgiving , just know life is all about lessons “Once you learn that lesson you will move onto the next lesson this is called life its the one thing in your life that you will do until you die ….learn your lesson and ask for “forgivness and you will be . God loves you my friend.

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