
My God, Please Forgive Us All Our Sins

My Lord and My God, I am sorry for all my sins. Please forgive me for my sinfulness, visible and invisible. Please forgive me Lord for I have committed the sin of gluttony. I almost died of medical intoxication and I had to recover from it. Please help me, Lord. Also, girls had been popping into my mind sometimes and I usually fall into the sin of lust. Please forgive me, Lord, for being weak to fight against the spirits of evil. May the Lord, bless us, forgive us all our sins and lead us into life everlasting. Amen.

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  1. ulPBVKbpxPjdOsrqly I just want to say, BP, you are so lucky getting to hang out in all those boxes! How fun! And I want to add, my human just tssoed a box into recycling and I wasn’t too bummed because it used to hold a whole bunch of my books and they are gone, sold! That was a great feeling.

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Breaking my vow