

I feel that I am on the brink of another nervous breakdown, but I can’t speak to any health professionals because as a health professional my entire life and livelihood will be taken away from me. I have no way of escaping my current horrendous living arrangements, I have no friends or social life, and I’m unappreciated at work. My only reason for living is because it’ll give other people pain that they don’t deserve if I were to disappear, and the hope that in the future, in the UK, life will improve for young people like myself.

What do you think?

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  1. i know it happens
    Dear friend,
    First to try to improve your work performance.That will give you self pride.Slowly your depression will come down.Try to motivate yourself.Think about the people who love you and now live your life for then.I had gone through this situation.No one else can help you.You have to help yourself.My good wishesh are always with you.Fight the battle dont give up.

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