Friday morning I gave into self-gratification when getting up in the morning to go to school. I masterbated over a waste basket in order to prevent any permanent stain. I felt disgraced because its been over a month since I had not give into master-baiting and I swore to myself to never give into such a disgusting habit. I promised to confess my sins in giving into temptation and vowed to donate charity to the church in order to repent for my sin. Thank you for reading what I had to confess, and it feels good just to let it out in the open. I hope that God will be able to forgive me for my sins and that I will work at repenting for my sins as I go along.
Absolutely Rediculous Hi JP
I agree with you. and matt you should not feel guilty after doing it, its all natural, you just have to understand that its natural, and certain things should not be avoided…
You’re being ridiculous Matt —
You have no reason to feel bad. Seriously. Masturbating is totally normal and 100% of guys do it. Don’t beat yourself up over it. And don’t feel the need to stop masturbating, either. the good Lord didn’t give you a “fun factory” that feels that good to touch only for you to feel bad about doing it. Ridiculous! Life is a one-way ticket. You don’t ever get to do it again. So stop worrying and enjoy making yourself feel good when the mood strikes.