
Lord, forgive me

Father, I commited adultery 7 years ago with 2 different women & impregnated one of them, who later went for an abortion with my full knowledge. Adultery & murder! WHo can pardon me? I have NOT confessed to my wife of 13 years because it will wreck my marriage & my family. I should have thought of it before I did it. There is no turning back. Will you forgive me, Lord? I want to go to heaven & see my lovely family one day. Please grant me this wish. It kills me each time I am reminded of my infidelity. I am a walking hypocrite & a liar; a two-face good for nothing idiot. Lord, will my family still love me? Will you still love me?
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  1. God is MERCIFUL God is merciful and forgiving.. He said tht if we confess our sins and repent He will be Faithful and forgive us..Hold on to God and you will be alright..Its not always easy but God is Merciful! All the best, I am praying for u

  2. mistakes everybody makes mistakes.Tell me who has none… what you said about that issue wrecking your marriage is true if i were you, i’d rather not confess to my wife. I would confess to a priest instead and make it a point to pay for my mistakes one way or another. I am also not justifying your actions because your decisions had led to so many wrecked lives so what i just want to say is that make up to your family especially to your wife without actually confessing to her. Make up for your mistakes and be the BEST HUSBAND/FATHER to her and your kids.

  3. hey If I was you, I would tell my wife… it will never go away in your mind, this is the first step is admitting what you did now you need to tell the truth to your wife… God is love and if you are truely in love God will keep you together.. God has a plan now time to man up and make the right decisions 🙂 best of luck!

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