

I’m 22 years old and in love with my best friend…she has a guy that doesn’t treat her right.she’s not happy with him but she doesn’t wanna breakup coz i think she feels sorry for him.i wanna tell her how i feel but i’m scared of losing her.i did some prettt stupid thing to impress her which now i wish i never did coz i realized she’s not that shallow..she’s an amazing person and i don’t know what to do..sometimes i feel like she loves me too.she gets jealous when i talk to certain girls n gets mad at me for doing so.she texts me 24×7.i need help..i’m scared of loosing her and i’m scared she’ll hate me if she found out about the dumb things i’ve done…please advice me..
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  1. Tell her!!
    Tell her everything you’ve confessed here. Tell her that you did do those stupid things, but that you now know that you didn’t need to do all that. Tell her how much you love her, and that you’ll always be there for her, no matter what. I’m sure things will work out! And if she’s jealous, it’s a good sign. Do it for her, if not for yourself–she shouldn’t have to stay with that guy she’s unhappy with.

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