
Three Times This Week I Masturbated

A day after Christmas, I gave into masturbation during the middle of the night. It was the first time that I have masturbated in a month while maintaining a clean slate. I gave into temptation because I was stressed out over the whole year from working so hard at the office, and the separation of my parents has become hard on me. I confess that I masturbated because I didn’t know what else to do with the burden I was dealing with.

Two days later, I masturbated again on the anniversary of my mother’s death, because I was sad and desperate. Then the next day, I masturbated in the night because I only wanted to acknowledge that I’m simply being human and its important to relieve myself of any stress or burden that I am feeling.

Right now, I am going to make a pact and not masturbate for 6 months and learn to focus the energy on more positive purposes rather than just sitting in bed doing nothing. I have to get myself a strategy to make my life feel wholesome and work at not isolating myself from the outside world. Thank you for reading my confession, and I prey that I will find some means to make life interesting as the dawning of a new year approaches tomorrow.


Confessed by: Saintmatt
Gender: Male
Country: United States

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