I started having sex wen i was 16. my fisrt was really cool. so, i kept going for more.
now i can’t help it, i cant sleep at night unless i have sex. especially dat now i don’t have a girl friend. if its impossible for me at night, i insert a porn dvd and start to m**t**bate. i do this almost every day.
i really need a sex partner…
HELP ME – See more at: http://yesiconfess.com/read.php?id=1730f69e6f66d5f0c741799e82351f81&title=I-am-now-a-sex-addict#sthash.19hfsSog.dpuf
when u get those wild thoughts try to concentrate on other different and interesting thing if this does not work i would suggest dont spend lonely time always stay with someone but not female