
Cramps from too much sex

I want to know if there is anyone else out there that experiences menstrual like cramps from having rough sex. My boyfriend really only does 2 positions. Either he lays behind me or he has me lay on my stomach and him on top of me. First he usually just grabs me while I am laying there and he shoves his dick inside me with out giving me a chance to get wet. I love him and love the way he makes love to me so I usually get wet quite quickly. Once he is inside he grabs my hips and hold me. He literaly pounds me. Two days ago he was behind me and he was pulling me down on him as he was stroking. He then rolled me over on my stomach and starting stroking me some more. I tried to position myself so that it would not hurt as much but he moved me back in place and held me there. I have cried while we were having sex but that did not soften him. I have told him I loved him and he kisses my neck and whispers in my ear that he loves me too but he still pounds me until I cry. Its been 2 days and I am still hurting. I know tonight he will be waiting for me. Im excited and scared at the same time.

What do you think?

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the boy next door
