
As A Lesbian I Had To… I Never Thought I’d Admit This, But Here It Is

As a lesbian I had to watch what I said or did, I am a public school teacher. I had a student and she was obviously lesbian to me. I befriended her and she was having a very difficult time with her issue. Accepting her life, and that she wasn’t cut out to be a wife and mother was hard for her. She had not experienced a lesbian relationship, but she and I both knew she was a lesbian.

I told her one day that anything, ever, that she could come talk to me. Well what happened is that she told someone else that I was a lesbian and I was helping her and the school found out and I was accused of ‘grooming’ a girl, totally not true. I had to quit my job, and I moved to New Mexico to be near a friend of mine from our college days. A past lover. She welcomed me into her home and gave me the choice of the right side or the left side of the bed. For weeks after I moved in it was nonstop sex, reasserting herself on me. I was just as starved as she was and I gave in inch by inch until I gave in completely. The reason we broke up in the first place is that she is so dominant.

I was sitting around paying bills and doing nothing really when the girl from high school knocked on my door. She was all graduated and legal. I never gave her a chance to apologize, I consumed her, sexually, physically, emotionally. A rag doll, used, and when I caught my breath it was all over again. I decided that I would not apologize. I would keep her. Mine. To sleep beside me, to be the object of my sexual appetite. My partner, with whom I live, was against me keeping her and wanted me to get rid of her. I said no, take me but you have to take her too. All or nothing.

Faced with an ultimatum my partner chose correctly to accept her with me. I want her. I love her. I have to have her. She is my obsession. She is my lesbian.

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