
I Masturbate During Breakfast With My Mom

I masturbate during breakfast with my mom.

The medication she takes causes her to not notice a lot of things.

I have walked around in front of her wearing only a pair of boxers.

I try to do it when she's doing dishes.

I can turn away from her, slide my shorts down so bad most of my cock is exposed.

Then I turn around and watch her, hoping she'll see how hard I am.

Most mornings, I lean back against the table and masturbate.

I cum all over my stomach and my underwear. Then I dry the dishes for her.

She has never once noticed what I did.
She started taking on new medication.

I think it made her notice even less.
Yesterday morning I went into the kitchen with most of my cock exposed.

I went to the table and stood there for a few minutes hoping she would see my cock.

Finally, I gave up and just sat down.

I didn't hide anything, I looked at her and openly masturbated.

As I watched her eat small spoons of her cereal, some milk began to run down her chin.

To be dirty, I said, that milk reminds me of something else I'd like to see running down your chin mom.

Right after I ate my last spoon a cereal, I asked her if I could finish before I got up.

I was so excited I wanted to do something really naughty.

So, I said, mom, I change my mind, would you give me permission to stand up, and then finish?
When I heard her say, of course jimmy, I almost started to cum.

I manage to hold back until I was standing and had my cock out over the table.

Then I started to cum. She went right on eating her cereal. It was like she didn't even notice.

I stood there, still hard, still rubbing my cock and said, thank you mom, that was so exciting I feel like doing it again.

She took another bite of cereal and pleasantly said, all right, honey.

I just smiled and kept masturbating. I was curious, so I asked her if this was really OK with her.

All she said was, I suppose, honey.

I moved around the corner of the table, so I was standing right over her lap. I came all over.

I thanked her, she said, you're welcome and I went to my room.

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