
Overcoming Guilt: Infidelity And Rebuilding Trust In A Marriage

I feel disgusted and guilty about myself. One of my husband’s good friends has never hidden the fact that he fancied me. even commenting to my husband in a jokey so of way. At first, I didn’t like him much finding him overconfident and too sure of himself. However, being a friend of my husband I put up with him whenever we all went out or my husband’s friends came round. Anyway, tonight they came around and we had a few drinks. The guys were all watching the football. I went upstairs to use the lavatory. when I came out he was on the landing. Suddenly we were necking! After a bit of groping and caressing each other, we were in the spare room on the bed and I was letting him fuck me!
What was worse was that I really enjoyed it and I know that it’ll happen again if he wants to. I feel so cheap now that they’ve all gone I can hardly look at my husband at the minute.

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