

It all started when I wore that hat to school. It had a picture of a cat on it. I was wondering around school when this boy cam up to me. He was in grade three and he had themost cutest eyes and an evil look about him. He called me putycat and started chasing me. Shocking me in the hips. He stole my hat and all sorts ofstuff. He once threatened to punch me but I laughed it off because he was only 8/7. He kept on chasong me and shocking me and calling me puttycat. I started to like him. And the more he called me puttycat I liked him more. Then, I fell in love with him. I know, it’s terrible. I’m in year 6 and hes in year 3…. He doesn’t chase me anymore but he calls me puttycat still. I rember when I told my friend. Wealways joke around and pretend to tell people but I’m afraid one day it might leak and everyone’ll find out. That’ll be the day I die.

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