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  • They Call It ‘Trans Scams’ For A Reason Darling

    You have been telling everyone that I have a pretty face but a big belly that turned you off but your not even a biological female. You are a trans man who chose to chop off his penis and cajones that likes to wear women's dresses, clothes, and makeup. You don't want to be discriminated […] More

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  • I’m Struggling With My Gender So Badly Right Now

    i’m struggling with my gender so badly right now. I lowkey wish i was born a boy but i’m too scared to admit to myself that i’m a trans boy. I’m scared of what being trans ftm will bring and possible changing my name and pronouns. It’s just really scary, but i don’t think i […] More

  • My Cousin is Arrested

    This world is dying. People are running around cursing god and changing their gender and dudes marrying dudes, paedophilia, pansexual and bull shit. My cousin is arrested, and she is in prison because a trans or retard with a penis walked into an all-woman spa and asked for a nice full-body massage. The masseuse said […] More

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