
Forgive Me, Father, for I Have Sinned

I want to mention that a few things, Forgive me, father, for I have sinned, my last confessions was a few weeks ago.

1. My first confession is that I use to lie a lot with my friends and family and I want God to forgive me for saying lies. I have been saying the truth lately, I have learned the lying doesn’t take you anywhere I am being very honest and truthful with people when I talk.

2. I have been pretty rude to people before, I would say horrible things behind their back and I learned that doing that doesn’t take me anywhere. I have been being more polite and respectful and keeping my mouth shut now.

3. I took a test at school and I cheated I know it was wrong it really didn’t take me anywhere so I stopped doing that. I was being lazy and not focusing on my studies. I been changing now and haven’t done that anymore.

4. I want to confess another thing I would watch porn online and on TV I know it is wrong but I wanted to know what it was I actually masturbated too. I am controlling myself now and staying away from my TV and computer so that I don’t do that anymore. I didn’t know what got into me.

By – Jasmine

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  1. Why control yourself wanking is a natural enjoyable and pleasurable part of life, your not doing anything wrong
    sexual indulgence is natural, let me know Jasmine your comment to my reply, and start pleasuring your self.

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