
i wish bad things

i unconsciously constantly want some bad thing to happen to me , and i am scared that it will happen . and my parents will suffer

i just dont work
all i do is sleep east and watch movies

i think i m sick or i just want to prove everyone that i am sick dats y i cant work

What do you think?

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  1. pojiPpEjcZfB Anastasia, you are clearly such a sptuiiral, kind, and conscious person, it made me wince when you made the joke, I’m not going to tell you that I’m actually a *man* or something. I don’t imagine that you were thinking about real-life transgendered or transsexual people when you made that comment odds are that you don’t know any, and so this particular human rights issue is not exactly top of the mind for you but I just wanted to mention it because it’s important. I know several lovely transgendered people and I think the remark would be a bit hurtful to them.Anastasia Responds:Thank you for your comments Hilary. Let me just state that in no way did I mean this to *hurt* anyone. I do honor and respect transgendered people (and yes I do know some), this was about me and not about them is how I meant it. Not that there would be anything WRONG with me saying that I actually was! But I would hope that the message here is apparent, loving who you are, loving life. I have one of those quirky sense of humors that is part of what makes me who I am. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the message in the video anyway ; )! Blessings!

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