
I Attempted To Be Friends With… This Mistake Haunts Me Every Day

I attempted to be friends with a girl last year. She seemed nice and was attractive but nothing more Amazon than girls I had when younger. I thought nothing of it. J just wanted to get to know her better as a friend. We’re both from the same annoying tourist town so anything positive here helps. She’s anything but.

We are more alike than she lets on but also g vastly different.. We’re both severely damaged and not who we seem. She’s a narcissistic opportunist with severe ego issues and I’m a compulsive sometimes impulsive pr*ck. Some would say a match made in heaven but we trigger one another. My problem is I miss her. Bothers me why but I do.

In the end, you could say she won but I know she hates me. She knew I sensed what she was and she would gaslight me to make me look elsewhere. I did but knew why she was doing it. It’s what she does: always right, cannot handle the slightest perception or criticism and will bolt if things gag too tough,

At first I thought it was trauma like I had in the past also, so j let it go. I knew better. It could be both though or she became worse over time. She has no friends in person but should she only works with animals because I believe her personality is toxic. It could be anxiety but I feel she’s a pill popper not one with any anxiety disorder as she claims.

I should hate her but don’t. I knew what she was a week after knowing her better and seeing her more but let it go. I guess that shows a lot about me. I’m often told by many I’m more aware of my surroundings than most and severely self aware, but here it’s like why did you bother? Because you felt bad for her even if much of it likely was a scam and you for some strange reason liked her, It’s not always a good thing but things could be worse.

She owes me big time and knows it but people like this don’t think they owe anybody anything unless they say it during their wants. You know they’ll split once they get what they want: Christ the girl had two conflicting gofundme pages up for her dog just for tests and x-rays. Speaks volumes of the obsession with money here and not being afraid to ask for everything . From my experience it’s all she does except crap on others and never take any blame .ywt here I am foolishly wanting the friend I thought I had when these people can’t have real friendships. It’s all an act. However, maybe it’s all I deserve. I do not believe so but j do like her and the girl owes me her she promised. A narcissist keeping their word? What am I on? Kill me no and I’ll give you a thousand invisible asinine as they are hail Mary’s

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