
Fucking my cousin

Hello. 2 years ago, when I was 14, we went over to our aunt and uncles house for the week, just me and my younger sister. I was 14, duh, my cousin, whos name is elise, was 11, and my sister was 5. We decided to play house, and have me be the dad, my cousin the mom, and my sister the daughter. So there we were playing like kids. Then we had dinner then were sent to our bedroom that we all shared. my sissy went to sleep instantly. I asked Elise if she would like to keep playing house. She said sure. I then asked her if she would like to act like a real mommy and daddy act. She said ok. I slipped down her little pajamas and she kind of giggled. I looked up at her to check if what I was doing was ok with her. She just smiled. I slipped down her panties and she giggled some more. I looked at her private area and smiled. I touched it and tickled it. She laughed and asked if this is what mommys and daddys do. I answered yes. I continued to explore and probe her area. I started to lick it, she said that she was ticklish in that area. I put my toungue up inside of her pussy and she said she enjoyed it. I then put my fingers inside of her. I would of put my penis inside of her, but her slit was just to tight. She asked me if we could play house the next night. So we did. Looking back on it, I think it would’ve been better had I stabbed myself in the knee. I felt so stupid for touching my own cousins private areas. I was so ashamed. However, they just came to our house for the weekend, I’m now 16, and she was 13, and she had grown in certain areas. I was completely ashamed to even be in the same room with her, until she asked me if I wanted to play a game of house that night. All of my remorse went away. This was now her asking me. I agreed with pleasure. She pulled down her pants that night, and giggled. I showed her my prnis, and told her that I was going to take a trip inside of her. She really liked it. So did I. She is really cute. However, I am starting to feel the guilt

What do you think?

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  1. Forget the guilt.
    Anything you did wrong was two years ago. Not when she wanted sex with you.
    Enjoy the wonderful sex as long as you can.
    She will tell you if she is no longer interested.
    It is perfectly normal in the UK for boys to have their first sexual experience with an older girl cousin who initiates.
    If she is a good person she will not harm you in any way. EVER.
    Families love each other.
    It is that simple.
    DO NOT get her pregnant if she is not on the pill.

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Shun the Non-Believer